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The Michigan Winter HVAC Checklist

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Now that the leaves are changing in Grand Rapids, it’s the best time of the year to prepare your home’s HVAC system for the heating season. The Grapids Home Services team has put together this easy checklist so that you can knock out all of these steps in just a couple of hours and get back to doing what you love. Follow these steps to make sure that your home’s HVAC system is ready to last through Michigan’s harsh winter season.

Check Your AC or Heat Pump Unit Outside

Let’s start outside at your AC unit since you won’t use it for several months. Begin by turning off the unit at the power source (not the thermostat) so that you can work safely. Then, clear your AC or heat pump unit of debris and wipe off any bird droppings with a wet cloth.

If this is an AC unit, wait until it dries and then cover the unit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (Please note: some manufacturers do not advise putting a cover over the unit. If you’d still like to protect the top of your AC unit from falling ice, lay a piece of plywood on top and hold it in place with a few bricks.)

If this is a heat pump, turn the unit back on so that it will keep you warm all winter.

Check Your Furnace Unit Inside

Head back inside to your furnace. Clear away any clutter from around the unit. There should be several feet of open space around your furnace on all sides. Do a visual inspection of the furnace and look for any obvious signs of damage, like scratches or cracks.  

Switch Out Filters

Your AC and furnace units both have filters that keep your indoor air quality the best it can be. Go ahead and replace the filters, or clean them if they are reusable. Consider stocking up on furnace filters now before winter begins. Furnace filters typically last about one month for the best air quality.

If you don’t want to replace your AC’s filter now since it’s just going to sit unused for several months, set a reminder to replace it in late April.

Check Carbon Monoxide Detector

Replace the batteries in your carbon monoxide detector and check to make sure you hear it beeping when you do. Is the noise muffled in any way? Now is the best time to check so that when you need to rely on your furnace through bitterly cold nights in Grand Rapids, you can do so safely.

Check Your Humidifier

If your home has a humidifier, clean out the water panel and make sure the unit is free of mold so that it’s ready to go when the air gets too dry.  

Run Tests

Now it’s time to run a test to ensure everything works properly.

Turn your thermostat up to 75 and wait for the heat to turn on. Walk around to each register and check that heat flows steadily throughout the house. Inconsistent heat flow indicates a problem with your furnace that’s best left to an expert.  

Ask an Expert To Make Sure Your Grand Rapids Home Is Ready

By following this checklist, you’ve prepared your HVAC system for the Michigan winter like a pro. However, if you spotted an issue with your heating system or you would like a professional to check your heating system for you, we can help. Grapids Home Services has served residents and businesses in the Grand Rapids area for over 20 years. We’re proud to offer our neighbors five-star service, and each technician we hire is certified to perform quality HVAC services and replacements.

If you live near Grand Rapids and prefer that a professional prepare your HVAC system for the winter, Grapids Home Services is happy to help! Call us at (616)-453-1099 or send us a message

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